Invasive skin care
Carboxytherapy is used as a treatment for sagging skin, stretch marks, cellulite and fat deposits and shows very good results for dark circles under the eyes.

Cellulite on the buttocks, thighs and stomach
Stretch marks on the buttocks, thighs, stomach and breasts
Localized fat deposits e.g. at the knees, love handles and pike poles.
Skin tightening in cases such as hamster bags, double chin and sagging neck.
Bags and dark circles under the eyes
Scars and acne scars

Fast: each treatment only takes about 15-30 minutes. We recommend 6-10 treatments spaced a week apart for best results.Gentle: causes no major discomfort, no recovery time and no side effects.Can treat areas that no other treatment machine can.Extremely affordable!
As we age, the capillaries become dormant and thus less oxygen is delivered to the area and cell renewal slows down. In combination with external stresses, the ability of cells to renew themselves and function properly is inhibited. The skin slowly loses its elasticity and collagen.
By age 30, oxygen levels in the skin have dropped by 25% and by as much as 50% by age 40. That's how fast it happens!The body naturally gets its oxygen through basic breathing, but factors such as pollution further reduce oxygen levels.
The body will first transport oxygen to vital organs and finally go to the skin. When the skin does not get enough oxygen, ageing accelerates and can cause various skin problems.
Increased levels of carbon dioxide in tissues are usually a sign of poor oxygenation. By injecting a small amount of carbon dioxide, we 'trick' the body into thinking there is a lack of oxygen, resulting in increased oxygenation.
Oxygen and nutrients are increased to the treated area and significantly improve circulation, providing cell restoration. The increased oxygen level also improves fluid retention or edema in the area. There will be a dermal effect that reduces fine lines, wrinkles and stretch marks, stimulates the increased blood flow, the production of collagen, which will soften fine wrinkles and reduce dark circles under the eyes.
Collagen is stimulated long-term with more regularity, leading to a tightening effect.
Loose skin and sagging jaws and necks are significantly improved. For fat reduction of e.g. double chin, gas is released in large volumes deep into fat which is then broken up, stimulating new blood vessels and rejuvenation of the skin.
Each treatment only takes about 15-30 minutes. We recommend 6-10 treatments spaced a week apart for best results.The treatment causes no major discomfort, no recovery time and no side effects. Can treat areas that no other treatment machine can.Extremely affordable!
There is a small risk of bruising with Carboxytherapy. Usually the eyelids can be treated without leaving any marks, making it a worry-free treatment. There are no known risks with Carboxytherapy. Carbon dioxide injection has been used safely for years to facilitate surgeries in areas such as abdomen.
Carboxytherapy can be advantageously combined with mesotherapy, skin boosters, fat freezing and maderotherapy, depending on the treatment indication.