Hair loss


PRF treatment for hair loss – Natural regrowth using the body’s own resources

PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) is an advanced and natural hair loss treatment that stimulates hair growth by using the body’s own healing properties. It is completely natural and free of chemical additives, making it gentle and effective for both men and women suffering from hair thinning or hair loss.

How does PRF treatment work?

PRF treatment is based on using a small amount of your own blood, which is centrifuged to separate the most nutritious components. The resulting fibrin-rich plasma, packed with growth factors and stem cells, is then injected into the scalp where it is needed most. These growth factors stimulate dormant hair follicles, improve blood circulation and promote new hair growth.

Benefits of PRF for hair loss:

– Natural and safe treatment: Since we use your own blood, the risk of allergic reactions or complications is eliminated.
– Stimulates new hair growth: Growth factors activate hair follicles and contribute to thicker and stronger hair.
– Non-surgical method: The treatment is minimally invasive with a short recovery time.

– Long-lasting results: With regular treatments, the effect can last for a long time.

Course of treatment

1. Konsultation: Vi börjar med en konsultation för att bedöma din hårsituation och skapa en individuell behandlingsplan.
2. Blodprovstagning: En liten mängd blod tas från din arm.
3. Förberedelse av PRF: Ditt blod bearbetas i en specialanpassad centrifug.
4. Injektion: PRF injiceras försiktigt i hårbotten i områden med håravfall eller hårförtunning.
Is PRF treatment right for you?
PRF is ideal for those who are experiencing early stages of hair loss or want to strengthen and improve the quality of their existing hair. It also works as a complementary treatment after hair transplants to promote healing and optimal hair growth.

Frequently asked questions about PRF treatment
– How many treatments are needed? For best results, a series of 3-4 treatments at 4-6 week intervals is recommended. After that, maintenance treatments can be done once a year.
– When do you see results? Many patients start to notice improvements in hair quality and growth after 3-6 months.
Kristina Budin, Leg. nurse takes the blood before a skin rejuvenation treatment with PRF at LaDerma Clinic.

Contact the clinic for further advice or make an appointment for a consultation.

PRF stem cell rejuvenation therapy can be used for:

Etrebelle - Rejuvenation: wrinkles - La Derma
Rejuvenating wrinkles
Etrebelle - Atrophic scar - La Derma
Atrophic scar
Etrebelle - Stretch marks - La Derma
Stretch marks
Etrebelle - Large pores - La Derma
Large pores
Etrebelle - Rejuvenation: wrinkles - La Derma
Hand and knee rejuvenation
Etrebelle - Volume restoration - La Derma
Volume reset

Mechanism of treatment


Before the treatment, the practitioner will take 10 to 20 ml of your blood via a cannula. The pain you may feel is minimal, the same as in a classic blood test. Next, the practitioner will separate the plasma from other components of your blood using a high-speed centrifuge.


The treatment is carried out quickly and easily. The plasma is applied under the skin using injections or microneedling; the method of application is determined by the practitioner. Results are visible a few days after treatment, while the full effect is expected in the coming months due to the process of creating new collagen and elastin. During this period, the skin is revitalized, becomes softer, more elastic and visibly regenerated.


After the procedure, it is possible to see redness, swelling and feel minimal pain in the treated area, which usually disappears within a few hours to 1 day, depending on the method of application. Most clients return to their normal activity immediately after treatment.

Within a few weeks of the treatment, a general improvement in the skin’s moisture, texture and tone can be seen. After three to six weeks, the development of new collagen and new blood vessels begins, and over the next three to six months, lines visibly disappear. The full effect of the treatment can take up to two years, depending on the person, but the results are long-lasting and worth waiting for.

Things to consider after treatment

PRF is a simple and safe treatment. Since PRF is extracted from your blood, there is no possibility of transmitting disease, triggering allergies or immunological reactions.

PRP therapy is not applied in platelet dysfunction, critical thrombocytopenia, hemodynamic instability, autoimmune diseases, acute and chronic diseases, pregnancy, chronic liver disease and anticoagulant therapy.