Calm your mind, remove stress and pain from the body
Massage is a form of treatment that works deeply in tissues and muscles. The aim of the treatment is to treat pain, disease, injuries and general disorders.
All treatments are individual and adapted to your needs.
Classic back massage (medium depth) 30 minutes
The therapist uses grips and techniques that give the client maximum relaxation through light pressure and a gentle pace. So this treatment is not in-depth and does not provide pain experience.
Deep back massage 30 minutes
Focus on the upper body where your muscles are deeply worked through and softened. If you have muscle knots and tension, this treatment is perfect for you because it releases tension, treats tense points (trigger points).
Classic full body massage (medium depth) 55 minutes
In-depth full body massage 55 minutes
Chocolate aroma full-body massage (medium depth) 55 minutes
During this treatment we use an essential oil that has a lovely scent of chocolate and orange, the massage itself is medium deep, the skin smells like chocolate afterwards and all this together creates a perfect combination.
Hot stone massage – 55 minutes
Hot stone massage is a perfect treatment that provides 100% relaxation. Our therapist uses hot lava stones and oil. Muscles are relaxed by the heat spread by the lava stones, while the skin is stimulated by the lava stones’ minerals. Particularly suitable for those who are cold or stiff.
Hot stone is good for those who:Haveproblems with cramps, muscle tension or knots Need to unwind / are stressed Have poor blood circulation Want to give yourself a total relaxation.
Hot stone is not suitable for those who:Are pregnant Have heart problems Have severe diabetes
Body and face harmony 1h and 20 minutes First you get a classic full body massage for 55 minutes, then you move on to the face where the therapist first cleans the face with a cleanser that is adapted to your skin type, then you massage the face either with oil or a massage cream (it depends on your skin type and also skin condition) then you finish the treatment with a day cream based on your skin type.
Body and face harmony 1h and 20 minutes
First you get a classic full body massage for 55 minutes, then you move on to the face where the therapist first cleans the face with a cleanser adapted to your skin type, then you massage the face either with oil or a massage cream (it depends on your skin type and also skin condition) then you finish the treatment with a day cream based on your skin type.

Contact the clinic for further advice or make an appointment for a consultation.